Find a SARC User Guide

The Find a SARC web page allows parents and community members to easily search for School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs). The Find a SARC hosts the SARCs that have been submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by the schools/local educational agencies (LEAs). The SARC report is intended to provide parents and community members with information regarding the performance of schools and student groups on a variety of indicators.The SARC Reports are posted either by: (1) using the online electronic SARC template located on the SARC Web Application to complete and post their SARC, or (2) uploading an accurate uniform resource locator (URL) of the website address to where the SARC has been posted on the school or LEA website, or uploading an active URL that takes the viewer directly into the posted SARC.
If a school’s SARC is not available, please contact the school or district. School and district contact information is available on the California School Directory web page at
The Find a SARC web page has been redesigned with a modernized search functionality to provide a more user-friendly search method, including new informational features. The following are the new key features:
  • Instructions:
    1. 1.Enter the name of a school or district or county office of education
    2. 2.Select the “Search” button (looks like a magnifying glass), you will view a list of results
    3. 3.Select the school, this will take you to the school’s Summary web page
    4. 4.
    5. In the lower left corner of the Summary web page is a dropdown of the school years, select the year
    6. 5.
    7. Select the “View Full SARC” button, this will take you to the school’s SARC
  • School Landing Page – Use the search function, select a school, then a landing page is provided with basic school information including district name, school address, link to the school’s website, and indicates if the school is a charter school, a Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) school, or a nonpublic nonsectarian (NPS) school. The landing page also provides the school’s county-district-school (CDS) code, and basic enrollment and demographic information by student groups.
  • SARC Report – In the bottom left corner of a school’s landing page is the “View Full SARC” button that links immediately to the school’s current year full SARC report.
    • When two years of SARCs (current and prior year) are available for a school, the option to select the prior year SARC will be available by a down arrow next to the SARC year.
    • If the school’s SARC has not been submitted to the CDE, then the “View Full SARC” button will appear grayed out (inaccessible). If a school’s SARC is not available, please contact the school or district.
  • SARC Information – In the upper right corner on all web pages, links have been included to provide easy and convenient access to SARC information and to communicate with the SARC Office.
    • Home – provides a quick return to the Find a SARC homepage
    • Resources – provides quick access via links to many SARC resources
    • Contact Us – provides a quick and easy method to send an email to the SARC Team